Rabu, 14 November 2012
Sabtu, 27 Oktober 2012
Tertawa Bikin Anda Lebih Sehat
Mengapa Tertawa Bikin Anda Lebih Sehat?
Orang tertawa karena mendengar atau melihat sesuatu yang lucu. Efeknya, orang tersebut bisa terhibur bahkan merasa bahagia. Dari sisi kesehatan, tertawa itu menyehatkan. Menurut penelitian, tertawa dapat meningkatkan kesehatan jantung, meningkatkan harapan hidup serta mengurangi rasa sakit.
Ketika seseorang tertawa, tubuh akan melepaskanneurontransmitter dan hormon yang dapat mengurangi hormon penyebab stres yakni kortisol dan adrnealin. Pada gilirannya, pelepasan ini membantu menurunkan tekanan darah. Saat tertawa, otot-otot seperti otot perut, wajah, kaki, dan punggung ikut bergerak. Selain itu, tertawa juga membuat paru-paru lebih berkembang sehingga lebih mudah bernapas.
Dampak positif dari tertawa ini memberi dorongan bagi sistem kardiovaskular tubuh. Pembuluh darah lancar karena tertawa menyebabkan darah lancar mengalir. Tertawa juga menyeimbangkan otak kanan dan kiri saat menanggapi sebuah lelucon.
Jantung sehat
Jika Anda ingin mengurangi risiko masalah penyakit jantung, cobalah dengan menonton film lucu. Rekomendasi penelitian dari Universitas Maryland menyarankan, tertawa sekitar 15 menit karena film dapat melancarkan pembuluh darah serta meningkatkan aliran darah.Menonton acara yang membuat Anda bisa tertawa sekitar 40 menit setelah makan dapat membatasi kenaikan kadar glukosa darah. Para peneliti percaya jika Anda tertawa, emosi positif akan muncul yang mempengaruhi sistem endokrin pada tubuh.
Tertawa juga membuat usia lebih lama. Sebuah studi terhadap 500 orang lebih yang berusia 95 tahun keatas menemukan, kepribadian yang santai, optimis, dan menikmati saat tertawa akan berumur lebih panjang. Namun, para peneliti belum mengetahui secara pasti dimana letak kaitannya.
"Ketika kami meneliti kepribadian 243 orang yang berusia lebih dari 100 tahun, kami menemukan kualitas yang mencerminkan sikap positif memandang kehidupan," kata Dr. Nir Barzilai dari Universitas Yeshiva, Amerika Serikat.
"Sebagian besar dari mereka hidup dengan rasa optimis besar dan santai. Mereka menganggap tertawa adalah bagian penting dalam hidup," jelasnya.
Sumber :
Ketika seseorang tertawa, tubuh akan melepaskanneurontransmitter dan hormon yang dapat mengurangi hormon penyebab stres yakni kortisol dan adrnealin. Pada gilirannya, pelepasan ini membantu menurunkan tekanan darah. Saat tertawa, otot-otot seperti otot perut, wajah, kaki, dan punggung ikut bergerak. Selain itu, tertawa juga membuat paru-paru lebih berkembang sehingga lebih mudah bernapas.
Dampak positif dari tertawa ini memberi dorongan bagi sistem kardiovaskular tubuh. Pembuluh darah lancar karena tertawa menyebabkan darah lancar mengalir. Tertawa juga menyeimbangkan otak kanan dan kiri saat menanggapi sebuah lelucon.
Jantung sehat
Jika Anda ingin mengurangi risiko masalah penyakit jantung, cobalah dengan menonton film lucu. Rekomendasi penelitian dari Universitas Maryland menyarankan, tertawa sekitar 15 menit karena film dapat melancarkan pembuluh darah serta meningkatkan aliran darah.Menonton acara yang membuat Anda bisa tertawa sekitar 40 menit setelah makan dapat membatasi kenaikan kadar glukosa darah. Para peneliti percaya jika Anda tertawa, emosi positif akan muncul yang mempengaruhi sistem endokrin pada tubuh.
Tertawa juga membuat usia lebih lama. Sebuah studi terhadap 500 orang lebih yang berusia 95 tahun keatas menemukan, kepribadian yang santai, optimis, dan menikmati saat tertawa akan berumur lebih panjang. Namun, para peneliti belum mengetahui secara pasti dimana letak kaitannya.
"Ketika kami meneliti kepribadian 243 orang yang berusia lebih dari 100 tahun, kami menemukan kualitas yang mencerminkan sikap positif memandang kehidupan," kata Dr. Nir Barzilai dari Universitas Yeshiva, Amerika Serikat.
"Sebagian besar dari mereka hidup dengan rasa optimis besar dan santai. Mereka menganggap tertawa adalah bagian penting dalam hidup," jelasnya.
Sumber :
Orang Jujur Lebih Sehat dan Bahagia
Untuk mendapatkan tubuh yang sehat, pastikan Anda selalu mengonsumsi buah dan sayuran, rutin berolahraga, serta menjauhi dusta. Menurut penelitian orang yang bersikap jujur lebih sehat secara fisik dan mental.
Sebuah penelitian menunjukkan orang Amerika rata-rata berbohong 11 kali dalam seminggu, mulai dari "bohong putih" semacam pujian, sampai ketidaksetiaan atau kebohongan yang lebih serius lainnya.
Menurut penelitian yang dilakukan oleh Anita Kelly, profesor psikologi dari Notre Dame, bila kita mengurangi jumlah kebohongan yang kita lakukan sebenarnya kita bisa mencapai kepuasan hidup yang lebih tinggi.
Ia melakukan penelitian dengan melibatkan 110 partisipan yang diminta untuk berhenti atau mengurangi berbohong, baik kebohongan kecil atau besar, selama 10 minggu. Sebagai pembanding, partisipan lainnya tidak diberi instruksi khusus tentang kebohongan.
Hasilnya, setelah orang dari kelompok yang dilarang berbohong tidak mengatakan kebohongan kurang dari tiga kali dalam seminggu, keluhan mereka akan sakit kepala, sakit tenggorokan, ketegangan, kecemasan, dan gangguan kesehatan lain, berkurang.
"Tidak berbohong sangat jelas berkaitan dengan kesehatan yang lebih baik," kata Kelly.
Selain kesehatan fisik, ternyata orang-orang dari kelompok dilarang berbohong itu merasakan adanya hubungan personal yang lebih baik dengan orang lain. Menyimpan kebenaran tentu membuat hubungan Anda dengan orang lain menjadi tidak tulus.
"Berbohong bisa menyebabkan stres pada banyak orang, memicu kecemasan bahkan depresi. Mengurangi kebohongan bukan hanya baik untuk hubungan Anda, tapi juga menyehatkan," kata Dr.Bryan Bruno, ketua departemen psikiatri dari Lenox Hill Hospital, New York City.
Kebiasaan berkata dan bertindak jujur selama 10 minggu juga membuat para partisipan itu lebih pintar menghindari kebohongan. Misalnya saja merespon pertanyaan yang bisa mengarahkan pada kecenderungan untuk berbohong dengan pertanyaan lain sebagai pengalih.
Sumber :
Healthday News
Senin, 22 Oktober 2012
Top 10 female singers in the world
Top 10 female singers in the world
1. Taylor Swift

Every time I have a bad day, I know I can just go home, turn on my ipod, and there will be a Taylor song describing exactly what I'm gong through. Sometimes you just need to know that you're not alone, that other people have been through it all before you, and come out the other side, happy and smiling ))
Taylor is AMAZING. Talented, funny, smart, kind, caring, beautiful
It's a surprise that they even compared her to any of these artists!
Taylor can sing like nobody's business, plus she has heartfelt, touching, wonderfully written lyrics :) She has had many hit songs and she was the CMA Entertainer of the Year!
Taylor is one of the best, wait she not just the best she way better then any of the other female artist that are in this list. I would vote for her any day because she is my favorite singer, she makes me want to be with her on stage, in the bus and at her recording studio.
2. Rihanna

Rihanna has the best voice ever, and has some cool hairstyles
love the way you lie part one and two, the best, she is one of the best, she has a remarkable voice and she from the caribean so that gives her a 10!
3. Lady Gaga

she is such a great singer, entertainer, and an all around artist. with her stunning preformances, and amazing vocal voice, and don't forget her insane dresses! GAGA FOR EVER!. There is absolutely no way she can be listed behind Taylor Swift. Lady Gaga's voice is the best!. I love GaGa so much and I think she's the REAL queen of Pop! I love her songs that deal with loving who you are and being happy with that! Plus, Born This way is the BEST album of 2011! Listen to it! IT'S AWESOME FROM THE 1rs TO LAST SONG!
4. Katy Perry

She's really talented, and all her songs are somehow related to my life.
She's stunning, and everythings good about her. So if this is a competition, SHE SHOULD WIN! <3 .="." br="br">I love her much than any female singer and I like her songs like fireworks, teenage dream, I kissed a girl, waking up in vegas, california girls, peocok, thinking of you She is very beautiful! And I admirer E.T. so much
5. Beyonce

Beyonce should be at the top final! She is the best live performer out there and has a stunning voice She should at the top she clearly has more talent and more money than all put together!. Beyonce is such an outstanding performer. Not only is she a fantastic actress, but she is the most talented, and gorgeous female artist in the world and she should get more appreciation for her work.
6. Adele

+8She's so amazing even in a live presentation, she doesn't need to be thin to be a good singer, she's the best.
+8She's the most awesome singer ever... Perfect blend of passion and beauty..!
+5Adele is one of my greatest role models. She is an amazing singer, she is not afraid to be what society considers "fat" and even though she is struggling with the surgery with her throat, I still love her music. She will not be singing till about 2014 which is quite disappointing but I still will stay by her side as the years pass/
7. Selena Gomez

She has a great voice and her songs are reasonable and her lyrics are great. She loves her fans and her songs are also very inspiring. I have been her fan since I heard some of her first songs! I have all her albums and I know all her songs. She is very talented. I love Selena!, She is an amazing talented young lady who defiantly has a great career ahead of her! She is an amazing and super sweet to all of her fans! She truly cares for everyone of her fans and lets not forget her beautiful voice!
Selena should be the first on the list! She's so amazing and her songs are meaningful and deliver a great message. Her voice is incredible and she is so kind and is really beautiful. She's so inspiring and is my role model.
8. Kesha

She's just really awesome and really good at writing songs and very talented
I like that she is different, she is one of the best singers. I'm always listening to her. I have all of her c. d's! all of my friends can agree
9. Miley Cyrus
.jpg)
she's really the best singer ever, she has always been my inspiration and that's what she always is gonna be for me. She totally rocks!. She is has a beautiful sound. She is hannah montana that make her prettier and she is a good actress too. I almost love all her songs I've been her fan since 2006. Through years and years, fans like us grow up with her, but it doesn't mean we FOLLOW everything she does. I don't know about the others, but I love her to pieces. Her smiles sparkles up the whole place. Her amazing voice still shines through. Her music is honest and true. She also has a lot of rock songs that always make you dance along. I can't go a day thinking or talking about her. Finally, if this is a competition, we should vote for everyone because of their talents. If I make you click 'vote' for Miley, then thank you. :) x Smiler Forever.
10. Shakira

she's very sexy and very talented in singing and dancing and most especially the way she perform in live music, she is the best singer for me and I really love her so much because of her excellent performances.
Hoot and very talented perfection is the best word to describe how awesome she is3>
1. Taylor Swift

Every time I have a bad day, I know I can just go home, turn on my ipod, and there will be a Taylor song describing exactly what I'm gong through. Sometimes you just need to know that you're not alone, that other people have been through it all before you, and come out the other side, happy and smiling ))
Taylor is AMAZING. Talented, funny, smart, kind, caring, beautiful
It's a surprise that they even compared her to any of these artists!
Taylor can sing like nobody's business, plus she has heartfelt, touching, wonderfully written lyrics :) She has had many hit songs and she was the CMA Entertainer of the Year!
Taylor is one of the best, wait she not just the best she way better then any of the other female artist that are in this list. I would vote for her any day because she is my favorite singer, she makes me want to be with her on stage, in the bus and at her recording studio.
2. Rihanna

Rihanna has the best voice ever, and has some cool hairstyles
love the way you lie part one and two, the best, she is one of the best, she has a remarkable voice and she from the caribean so that gives her a 10!
3. Lady Gaga

she is such a great singer, entertainer, and an all around artist. with her stunning preformances, and amazing vocal voice, and don't forget her insane dresses! GAGA FOR EVER!. There is absolutely no way she can be listed behind Taylor Swift. Lady Gaga's voice is the best!. I love GaGa so much and I think she's the REAL queen of Pop! I love her songs that deal with loving who you are and being happy with that! Plus, Born This way is the BEST album of 2011! Listen to it! IT'S AWESOME FROM THE 1rs TO LAST SONG!
4. Katy Perry

She's really talented, and all her songs are somehow related to my life.
She's stunning, and everythings good about her. So if this is a competition, SHE SHOULD WIN! <3 .="." br="br">I love her much than any female singer and I like her songs like fireworks, teenage dream, I kissed a girl, waking up in vegas, california girls, peocok, thinking of you She is very beautiful! And I admirer E.T. so much
5. Beyonce

Beyonce should be at the top final! She is the best live performer out there and has a stunning voice She should at the top she clearly has more talent and more money than all put together!. Beyonce is such an outstanding performer. Not only is she a fantastic actress, but she is the most talented, and gorgeous female artist in the world and she should get more appreciation for her work.
6. Adele

+8She's so amazing even in a live presentation, she doesn't need to be thin to be a good singer, she's the best.
+8She's the most awesome singer ever... Perfect blend of passion and beauty..!
+5Adele is one of my greatest role models. She is an amazing singer, she is not afraid to be what society considers "fat" and even though she is struggling with the surgery with her throat, I still love her music. She will not be singing till about 2014 which is quite disappointing but I still will stay by her side as the years pass/
7. Selena Gomez

She has a great voice and her songs are reasonable and her lyrics are great. She loves her fans and her songs are also very inspiring. I have been her fan since I heard some of her first songs! I have all her albums and I know all her songs. She is very talented. I love Selena!, She is an amazing talented young lady who defiantly has a great career ahead of her! She is an amazing and super sweet to all of her fans! She truly cares for everyone of her fans and lets not forget her beautiful voice!
Selena should be the first on the list! She's so amazing and her songs are meaningful and deliver a great message. Her voice is incredible and she is so kind and is really beautiful. She's so inspiring and is my role model.
8. Kesha

She's just really awesome and really good at writing songs and very talented
I like that she is different, she is one of the best singers. I'm always listening to her. I have all of her c. d's! all of my friends can agree
9. Miley Cyrus
.jpg)
she's really the best singer ever, she has always been my inspiration and that's what she always is gonna be for me. She totally rocks!. She is has a beautiful sound. She is hannah montana that make her prettier and she is a good actress too. I almost love all her songs I've been her fan since 2006. Through years and years, fans like us grow up with her, but it doesn't mean we FOLLOW everything she does. I don't know about the others, but I love her to pieces. Her smiles sparkles up the whole place. Her amazing voice still shines through. Her music is honest and true. She also has a lot of rock songs that always make you dance along. I can't go a day thinking or talking about her. Finally, if this is a competition, we should vote for everyone because of their talents. If I make you click 'vote' for Miley, then thank you. :) x Smiler Forever.
10. Shakira

she's very sexy and very talented in singing and dancing and most especially the way she perform in live music, she is the best singer for me and I really love her so much because of her excellent performances.
Hoot and very talented perfection is the best word to describe how awesome she is3>